Privacy Policy

Your Email Address

We will never contact you unless there's an issue with your account.


Your Personal Information

To be honest, we don't want to know anything about you. We will not sell your information, ever.


Tracking Tech & Cookies

No we're not tracking you. The site uses some cookies to make your life better, feel free to delete them if you want, we don't care, it's not for us.


Retention of Data

We have to retain your data or you'd get mad at us and we don't want that. If you want us to delete your data ... ok, just ask. We only held it to make your life better while visiting our site.


Security of Your Data

It's on the web, that's how secure your data is.


Links to Other Sites

Yeah, those aren't ours so click anything at your own risk.


Contact Us

If you must, you can contact us on our Discord with any questions.